In last 23 years, BSE Sensex has given positive return which translate into 82.61% period.
For most, equity investing is key to wealth creation, often outperforming private business returns. Regardless of one’s profession, equity investment is crucial. However, the journey is tough, and markets are unpredictable. Equity market might not yiexld returns for years, then suddenly surge, testing patience. Many investors quit at inopportune times, missing out on potential gains.
In a decade, 80% of returns might occur in just 20% of the time, demanding immense patience during the other 80%. Patience, though difficult and sometimes painful, is essential for wealth creation. Returns are uneven, not linear.
Few succeed in the market due to its emotional toll. Success requires mastering one’s emotions, understanding the market’s nature, and cultivating patience. Pain is a part of achieving meaningful goals, including wealth creation. Embracing this struggle is key, as wealth significantly impacts our lives. In the next 15 years, expect rapid growth with a few surprises. This period will enhance our country’s global standing and GDP, with market returns mirroring these advancements. We will likely see significant increases in national wealth and status.